Being a Biblically Diverse Church

Being a Biblically Diverse Church

The Biblical Basis
God desires to unite all things to himself in Jesus (Ephesians 1:10). In Jesus, God is uniting people, created in his image (Genesis 1:27), including people on opposite sides of all dividing boundaries, creating a new kind of community in which people from different backgrounds share the commonality of faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22). 

God's mystery, which was hidden throughout history and revealed after Christ's work on earth, is that all people from all backgrounds can be fully included and made equal members of God's new family. When this is applied in the Church, the multifaceted wisdom (or plan) of God is revealed to all created beings. Through the Church, God displays his plan to have a family made up of all kinds of people.

Christ’s Church’s Intentions
History has shown that without intentionality, the Church can subconsciously move toward homogeneity.  We seek to intentionally embody this plan of God, for the glory of God, in our local church.

Christs’ Church’s Goals
Our goal is to be a community that:

  • Reaches people of various backgrounds through evangelism and service

  • Welcomes people of various backgrounds into our lives

  • Displays a visible, unified diversity of people from various backgrounds

Practical Tips for Inviting People to Church

Practical Tips for Inviting People to Church

Help for Victims of Sexual Abuse

Help for Victims of Sexual Abuse