Wednesday Night Classes: Round 2
Earlier this month, we launched a series of Wednesday night classes at our church building. The first block was three weeks long, and a new three-week block begins September 30 with a line-up of brand new course offerings. We’ll open each session with worship, then split into groups by class, and come back together at the end for snacks and fellowship. Adults and teens are welcome to participate in classes, and we’ll provide childcare each week for younger children.
Class Descriptions
“Building Together” with Christ’s Church Pastors
In this class, led by elders and pastors from Christ’s Church, we’ll explore the kind of community we hope to build and the core commitments it will take to get there. We’ll outline our foundational beliefs, our leadership structure and connections with Confluence, the commitments our members make, and where we’re headed together. Newcomers will have the opportunity to learn what we’re about, and existing members will have the opportunity to reaffirm their membership covenant.
“Financial Stewardship” with Steve Lett
What does the Bible say about money and our responsibilities as stewards of God’s resources? Over the next three weeks, Steve will help us think about these questions and share practical wisdom on topics like budgeting, saving, and giving.
“Challenges to Historic Christianity” with Various Teachers
As part of an ongoing Wednesday night series, this class will feature teachers from Christ’s Church (plus a few others we’ll bring in by video), who will address a variety of historic Christian doctrines that are being questioned and abandoned in many circles today. The first three topics we’ll cover are the problem of evil, slavery in the Bible, and the atonement.
Registration Form
We’re asking each teen or adult who plans to attend one of these classes to register using the form here. This will help us prepare classroom spaces in advance, and it will ensure that we have adequate childcare available. (Parents, when you register, only one of you needs to add the kids to your registration form.)